The utility aims to manage the Janjici hydropower plant, which is expected to cost BAM72.2m ($50m).

Reuters cited Energy Minister Erdal Trhulj as saying to a news conference that the project will receive €30m ($40.85m) loan from the German state-owned development bank KfW while remaining will be provided by EPBiH.

Scheduled to commence work will in the second half of 2015, the plant has an expected annual output of 68GWh.

A one-off payment of BAM1.57m ($1.09m) will be paid by the utility for the concession, which accounts for more than 2% of the project’s total value.

EPBiH General Manager Elvedin Grabovica said that the company will pay 2.43% concession fee of the total revenue generated through the electricity sale, per annum.

Meanwhile, EPBiH shortlisted eight out of 12 companies for contract to construct a 20MW Vranduk hydropower plant, capable of producing 96.4GWh of electricity, on the Bosna river, Grabovica added.