EPS PowerSaver is a one- to five-year agreement that provides the benefits of third party cogeneration ownership without transferring ownership of the asset itself. Throughout the term, customers benefit from EPS’ cogeneration operating experience and fuel management expertise, delivering the financial benefits they originally expected when they made their cogeneration investment. The resulting cost savings achieved from EPS’ efficiency improvements are shared between EPS and the customer, motivating EPS to achieve peak performance on their behalf. In exchange, customers accept all of the generated electric and thermal energy at the prevailing utility rate. PowerSaver is priced to achieve immediate energy cost savings with a flexible contracting term, while eliminating asset write-offs, the hidden costs of fuel fluctuation, demand risks, and lost management and maintenance time. The structure provides strong alignment of interests: EPS will make the changes needed to operate the facility at peak performance, while the customer realizes immediate and fixed savings from the fixed payments by EPS over the term.

“Many existing cogeneration systems underperform due to improper design and installation, a lack of resources to manage the assets, or simple frustration with the effort it takes to make the operation financially successful,” said Jay Zoellner, the chief executive of EPS. “These underperforming cogeneration assets represent an opportunity to positively impact a company’s sustainability profile by harnessing waste heat, reducing carbon emissions, and delivering energy cost savings through improved performance. With EPS PowerSaver™ we are able to help the customer realize the intended financial and sustainability benefits they expected when making the cogeneration investment while removing the financial risks of cogeneration system operation.”