GE will provide energy storage services for the project while MAECI will offer 5MW solar modules and system integration services.

Princeton Power Systems will provide an energy management system and controls functions.

The project is anticipated to meet 100% of the island’s existing energy demand and is claimed to be the largest self-sufficent solar project on the African continent after completion.

The installation is part of Equatorial Guinea’s National Economic Development Plan Horizon 2020, which intends to make the African nation an emerging economy by 2020.

GE solar and energy storage business general manager Jeff Wyatt said, "GE’s energy storage technology will help enable reliable, predictable power for the residents of Annobon through balancing the real-time supply and demand of solar and withstanding extreme heat environments without the need for air conditioning."

MAECI senior vice president Chris Massaro said, "The Annobon Electrification Project will be the platform for economic growth on the island by bringing a much needed power supply that will enable the development of multiple industries, add 700 to 1,000 direct and indirect jobs to Annobon Island and significantly raise the standard of living."