Energy firm E.ON selected Ericsson to provide the hosted solution, which will collect data from Echelon’s smart meters and provide it to E.ON’s internal IT environment.

Echelon said that data will be exported daily rather than monthly to increase data delivery by around 3000%.

Ericsson’s service will cover more than 400,000 existing Echelon smart meters, offering new features including the ability to remotely upgrade the meters with new meter functionality and to monitor network conditions to prevent as well as predict outages.

Under the contract, Ericsson will also provide E.ON with related field services, including consulting and systems integration.

Echelon grid modernization senior vice president & general manager Michael Anderson said, "We believe our proven NES software, based upon Echelon’s control networking technology, will provide the foundation for a modern grid by supporting a range of applications that will help improve Sweden’s energy infrastructure, paving the way for a safer, more reliable and efficient grid."

E.ON Elnät Sverige management director Per-Olof Lindholm said, "In the long term, we believe empowered consumers will be more efficient in their energy usage and this will result in a more sustainable society."