EuroGas Polska is a wholly owned subsidiary of McCallan Oil & Gas UK, of which 30% is owned by EuroGas Inc (EuroGas). EuroGas also owns an option to acquire the remaining 70% of McCallan, which it doesn’t currently own.

EuroGas Polska is currently disclosing and submitting to the interested party all relevant geological and technical data, including the latest results from the $8m seismic programme at Biesczszady, which was conducted by PGNiG, Poland’s national oil & gas concern in 2009.

Separately, the London-based independent petroleum consulting firm Gaffney Cline & Associates submitted an updated reserve report showing a substantial increase in oil reserves at Biesczszady concessions in South East Poland in which EuroGas Polska has a 24% interest.

EuroGas is an oil and gas company with assets in Ukraine and Poland, as well as talc mining interests in the Slovak Republic.