In November 2006, the European Energy Exchange (EEX) saw a total volume in electricity trading of the amount of 105.2TWh, compared with 60.5TWh for November 2005.

Of this amount, 7,711,005MWh were traded on the electricity Spot Market. On this market, the base load price was E50.92 per MWh on a monthly average and peak load cost E78.72 per MWh.

On the Intraday Market, which started on September 25, 2006, the total volume traded was 101,329MWh. During November, 52,968.20MWh were traded via this platform.

In November, the volume in electricity derivatives amounted to 97.4TWh. For November 2005, the figure was 52.2TWh.

Furthermore, during the month, 1,013,450 EU Allowances were traded on the EEX Spot Market for EU Allowances. The figure is more than double the 431,001 EUAs traded 12 months ago.

In other news, EEX is to launch the Spot Market for Power for Switzerland on December 11, 2006. We consider the fact that we are so welcome on the Swiss market a further proof of confidence in our position as a liquid and safe exchange, Dr Hans-Bernd Menzel, head of the management board of European Energy Exchange AG, stated.