The program will comprise ten diamond-drill holes totalling 6400 feet of diamond drilling (11,900 feet total).

Two diamond drill rigs and one rotary air drill rig for pre-collars will be used to complete this program.

Please, see "Budgeted Metallurgy Holes Map" for the metallurgical drill hole locations. The samples collected will be used to conduct extensive metallurgical testing, including column tests, acid consumption tests and rinse tests.

The goal of the program will be to further enhance the understanding of the leaching behaviors of the deposit and reduce uncertainties concerning rates, recoveries and costs. Specific areas targeted for investigation will be sweep efficiency, copper recovery rates, acid consumption rates, and rinsing procedures and rates.

This data will be used for both the permitting application process and the Feasibility Study.

Commenting on the program, President & CEO, Stephen Twyerould said, "All of the previous metallurgical testing that we have completed, plus all of the historical data, has defined a project with industry-leading robust economics based on low acid consumption and achievable copper recoveries.

"We will look to mirror past results as we move the metallurgical component of the Gunnison copper project to feasibility-level."