PJM informed Exelon Power that the transmission system upgrades, necessary to allow two aging fossil-fuel generating units to retire, can be completed sooner than their original analysis indicated.

PJM has determined that Cromby Generating Station Unit 2 is needed to remain in operation until December 31, 2011, and Eddystone Generating Station Unit 2 is needed to remain in operation until December 31, 2012, to support transmission system reliability.

Earlier, PJM indicated that it needed Cromby Generating Station Unit 2 to remain in operation through May 31, 2012, and Eddystone Generating Station Unit 2 through December 31, 2013.

While it originally revealed on December 2, 2009 that the two units would be shut for economic reasons, Exelon Power has agreed to extend their operation through the time-frame defined by PJM for system reliability reasons, the company said.