The awards include one in the Norwegian North Sea, four licences in the North Sea and five in the Norwegian Sea.

Faroe said that the 10 licenses equate to the largest number awarded in the APA round, and are equal with Centrica and Norwegian firm Statoil.

In the Northern North Sea, Faroe has been awarded operatorship and 50% of the Brasse license (PL740, Blocks 30/9 and 31/7).

Faroe has been awarded operatorship and 40% of the Freya license (PL731, Block 8/10), which is also in the North Sea.

In the North Sea, the company has been awarded portions of the Katie (PL729), B Betula Extension (PL670) and Adonia (PL733) licenses.

The company has been awarded the PL749 license, containing the Seychelles and Maldives prospects, in the Norwegian Sea.

Faroe has secured two operatorships in the North Sea at Licence PL740 and Licence PL733.

Faroe Petroleum CEO Graham Stewart said the company’s Norwegian portfolio has a mix of both near-field and frontier opportunities.

"Faroe has again been very successful in its licence application strategy, and this award is the largest to date for the Company, and indeed in the entire APA round, alongside Statoil and Centrica," Stewart added.

Image: Faroe Petroleum has been awarded ten new exploration licenses in Norwegian continental shelf. Photo: Courtesy of Faroe Petroleum.