The proposed project facilities include about 302.5 miles of 30-inch-diameter natural gas transmission pipeline extending northeast from a point near Dead Horse, Wyoming, through southeastern Montana and southwestern North Dakota, to an interconnect with Northern Border Pipeline Company’s pipeline system near Northern Border’s Compressor Station #6 in Morton county, North Dakota.

The FERC staff concludes that, if the proposed project is approved and is constructed and operated in accordance with Bison’s proposed minimization and mitigation measures and our recommended mitigation measures, the proposed facilities would result in some adverse environmental impacts. However, these impacts would be reduced to less than significant levels with the implementation of Bison’s proposed mitigation and the additional measures we recommend in the EIS.

FERC’s conclusions are supported by the following:

– The proposed project would be collocated with existing utility rights-of-way for about 53.1 miles, or about 17.6% of the route;

– The proposed route has been significantly influenced by agency recommendations to avoid sensitive wildlife habitats and vegetation types;

– Bison has been responsive to landowner requests for minor route modifications and has adopted many of these into the route evaluated in this EIS;

– Bison would implement its plan and procedures, as well as additional project-specific plans, each of which would reduce and mitigate impacts to natural resources during construction and operation of the proposed project;

– All fisheries of special concern would be crossed using dry crossing methods based on Bison’s proposal and our recommendation;

– Bison would complete all necessary surveys for sensitive species and cultural resources, and the appropriate consultations would be complete before initiating construction; and

– Bison would implement an environmental inspection and compliance monitoring program that would ensure compliance with all proposed mitigation measures and those required by the FERC Certificate and the BLM Right-of-Way Grant and Temporary Use permit, should they be granted.