Masdar announced today that GE will be an anchor partner in Masdar City. In a joint Masdar-GE agreement, the two companies have outlined plans to house a new Ecomagination Centre, focused on sustainable business solutions and to form a broader R&D relationship that will support the development and deployment of innovative technologies. This centre is one part of a strategic partnership signed by Mubadala and GE in July last year.

Masdar City, currently under construction, is to be the world’s first carbon-neutral, zero-waste city completely powered by renewable energy. Masdar is backed by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (ADFEC), a wholly owned company of Mubadala Development Company. The city is a reflection of the long term strategic commitment by the government of Abu Dhabi to accelerate the development and deployment of future energy solutions.

Ecomagination is GE’s platform for the conception and construction of pioneering technologies that help address environmental and financial needs. The Ecomagination Centre at Masdar City is intended to support the development of energy efficient products in the region and is hoped to raise awareness of energy conservation among the Masdar City community. The Centre will also showcase GE technologies, including wind, solar and other renewable energy products for the “smart” electrical grid, water purification technology, and energy-efficient appliances for the home.

The multi-faceted agreement also provides a framework for Masdar and GE to explore areas of R&D collaboration in the development of ‘clean’ products. Masdar will be able to make the most of GE’s technological expertise with the aim of ultimately including these technologies in the Masdar City development.