Drilling Highlights:

  • Hole GL-17-128 intersected 3.0 metres of 10.76 grams per tonne gold
  • including 1.0 metre of 30.27 grams per tonne gold
  • Hole GL-17-119 intersected 16.0 metres of 1.15 grams per tonne gold
  • including 2.0 metres of 3.69 grams per tonne gold
  • Hole GL-17-126 intersected 10.0 metres of 1.50 grams per tonne gold
  • including 2.0 metres of 3.58 grams per tonne gold

The 2017/2018 drilling campaigns at Goldlund are designed to accomplish four significant objectives:

  • Convert Inferred resources within the resource area (Zones 1, 5 and 7) into the Measured and Indicated resources category;
  • Test drill deeper exploration targets within Zone 7;
  • Identify and add additional mineralization within areas that are adjacent to the current resource boundary; and
  • Test drill additional exploration targets within other areas (outside of the current resource boundary) within the Goldlund Gold Property.

On February 5, 2018, the Company released results of the four deep Zone 7 holes (GL-17-010, GL-17-051, GL-17-106 and GL-17-108). All four holes demonstrated that gold mineralization at Goldlund continues to considerable depths.

The 14 drill hole results presented in this news release are from the following Zones:

  •  GL-17-114; GL-17-115; GL-17-118 and GL-17-119 are infill holes targeting the area between Zones 1 and 5. All four holes intersected gold mineralization;
  • GL-17-116; GL-17-117 and GL-17-123 to GL-17-128 are also infill drill holes that are located within Zone 1. Six of the eight holes intersected gold mineralization; and
  • GL-17-120 and GL-17-121 were exploration drill holes that were targeting potential additional hanging wall mineralization outside of the current resource area,south of Zone 5. Neither of these holes intersected gold mineralization.

In February 2018, First Mining will complete the remaining infill holes within Zones 1 and 5 and will then commence drilling regional exploration targets that are outside the current resource boundary.

Jeff Swinoga, the Chief Executive Officer of First Mining, stated, “These latest drill holes were designed to provide greater confidence in the gold mineralization which is currently confined within a strike length of only 2 to 3 kilometres, whereas the total estimated strike length is estimated to be approximately 30 kilometres. Our next focus will be to carry out exploration drilling on several highly prospective and underexplored areas of the Goldlund property. I am very excited to see how these future drill results will support our confidence in the continued gold mineralization along strike at Goldlund.”

Gold observed during the current drilling program at Goldlund occurs both as fine disseminations in quartz vein stockworks and as more discrete larger grains up to 2 mm spatially associated with pyrite in the quartz veins. Calaverite, a gold telluride mineral, has been noted occasionally in higher grade intervals on fracture surfaces in the quartz veins.  Higher grade gold distribution in the granodiorite dike is often, but not always, associated with zones of more intense quartz stockworking and potassic alteration. Below displays a cross-section of the geology and gold mineralization for drill holes GL-17-125 to GL-17-127, and GL-17-116.

Assaying for the 2017 and 2018 Goldlund drill programs are being done by SGS at their laboratories in Red Lake, Ontario and Burnaby, BC. Prepared samples are analyzed for gold by either Bulk Leach Extractable Gold (BLEG) assay techniques or by lead fusion fire assay with an atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) finish. Multi-element analysis on the mineralized zones is also being undertaken by two-acid aqua regia digestion with ICP-MS and AES finish.