The step-out hole WAT11-153A found 3m of anomalous radioactive mineralization within a 6m interval within the Discovery Bay Corridor.

However, the hole was drilled along the same continuous Discovery Bay Corridor conductor axis that runs adjacent to the J Zone.

The company said this new exploration target indicates that there is potential for multiple mineral occurences along the Disovery Bay Corridor, which extends for approximately 3 km to the west from the Fission/Hathor property boundary.

The company said that two additional exploration drill holes WAT11-147 and 150, collared 700m and 600m west of the J Zone respectively, did not intersect mineralization, but identified well developed alteration over significant widths.

The Discovery Bay Corridor is a broad continuous east-west trending lithological and structurally controlled corridor that hosts the J Zone uranium discovery, in addition to Fission’s Highland, PKB and Talisker mineralized discoveries to the west, and Hathor’s Roughrider discoveries to the east.

The company plans on further exploring these targets to fully assess the extent and potential of the mineralization.

The Waterbury Lake project is under a 50/50 partnership between Fission and Korea Waterbury Uranium Limited Partnership, a consortium of Korean-based companies led by government-backed energy business Korea Electric Power.