The joint venture has approved a $2.68m budget for the winter programme. Drilling will follow-up previous work completed in the East-West trending corridor, which hosts the Discovery Bay, Disco Bay, Disco Bay West, and Talisker Zones, to the west of Hathor’s Roughrider deposit. Primary focus remains at the Discovery Bay Zone.

New regional targets will include testing the Oban E-W corridor, situated approximately 3km to the north of the Discovery Bay Zone.

The approximate 3km prospective East-West Corridor lies immediately west of Hathor Exploration’s Roughrider deposit and 200m step-out hole (MWNE-09-170) located east of the Roughrider Zone, which intersected 28m grading 12.71% U308.

Headquartered in Kelowna, British Columbia, Fission Energy is a resource company specializing in the acquisition, exploration and development of uranium properties.