Hole WAT10-098A is collared 10mt north of Hole WAT 10-83B (7.5mt grading 3.83% U308). This hole extends the J-Zone to the north of the earlier known mineralization delineated during the winter 2010 drilling program, and further demonstrates the continuity and strength of the unconformity mineralization.

Hole WAT10-098A encountered moderate to strong clay alteration from 168.5mt to 238mt, with the most intense alteration associated with mineralization at or near the unconformity (200mt), the company said.

A broad interval of continuously anomalous and variable radioactivity was intersected from 192.5mt – 206mt, with the strongest radioactivity within a 10mt interval from 192.5mt-202.5mt. Within this interval, three separate intercepts recorded >9999 cps for a combined width of 4.5mt of ‘off-scale’ radioactivity.

The altered sandstone is limonitic throughout, with hematite and chlorite clay prevalent from 186.7mt to the unconformity. Strong limonite and hematite clay alteration continued in the basement to 204mt, transitional to chloritic clay from 204mt to 238mt.

A deeper interval of moderate to strongly altered basement was intersected from 264mt to 289mt associated with a graphitic faulted interval. The basement rocks consist of pelitic rocks throughout.

WAT10-098A was drilled from a barge set-up collared 10mt north of hole WAT10-083B and completed to a depth of 299mt. Drilling to further delineate the ‘J-Zone’ to the north, south and west, where it remains open after the completion of the Winter 2010 Drill Program, is continuing.

In addition, follow-up drilling at the ‘J-Zone East’ and ‘Highland Zone’, located on strike 70mt East and 130mt west of the ‘J-Zone’ respectively, is planned.