
The project has entered the pre-front end engineering and design (Pre-FEED) phase, during which producer parties will invest on design and engineering.

The deal will enable the parties to move towards a permitting phase and carry out work to apply for an export license with the US Department of Energy.

Alaska Governor Parnell said, "I am pleased all parties continue to make progress on building an Alaska gasline project that will create thousands of Alaska jobs and fuel Alaska homes and businesses."

"This milestone marks the historic progress we have made on a gasline. Our way forward will continue to be on Alaska’s terms and in Alaskans’ interests."

The project is scheduled to commence work to secure the Department of Energy’s export license and continue permitting work with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

Image: Gas firms signs agreement to advance the Alaska LNG project. Photo: puttsk/Freedigitalphotos.net.