The project includes detailed engineering on an ultra low sulfur diesel hydrotreater. Engineering is under way in Fluor’s offices in Houston, Texas.

Fluor is already providing engineering, procurement and construction management services in support of ConocoPhillips’ clean fuel efforts at refineries in Texas and Montana and engineering and procurement services in Oklahoma, under contracts awarded earlier in 2004.

We are pleased to bring Fluor’s extensive experience in clean fuels upgrades to support ConocoPhillips’ business needs, said Jeff Faulk, group president of Energy & Chemicals for Fluor.

ConocoPhillips has been producing and refining its Ultra-low sulfur diesel offering since 2001. Ultra-low sulfur diesel has been mandated by the US Environmental Protection Agency to be phased into production starting in 2006 as a replacement fuel for the currently available EPA low sulfur (500 PPM) diesel. This Ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel is highly refined for cleaner combustion and low emissions by enabling the use of advanced emission treatment systems.