The company has employed RC pre-collars and diamond core tails for the process that included a total of 772.4m.

All the three drill holes intersected graphite bearing rocks that contain variable pyrrhotite content of up to 1% within the electromagnetic conductor target zone.

In addition, the central graphite zone consisted of a graphite bearing unit that is estimated to have thickness of about 10m and the visuals estimate graphite contents in the range of 20%-50%. The continuous graphite reported in the test drilling area is said to be medium to coarse grained.

The pyrrhotite in disseminated zones, blebs and thin veinlets found in sulphide mineralization is reported to have contained low level copper and zinc values up to 0.12% and 0.2% respectively, according to Reconnaissance XRF analysis.

Forge said that the company is looking to explore the project for base metals and graphite, despite failure in recording massive base metal sulphides.

The company would complete assay and metallurgical test work on the graphite bearing rocks and assess other basement targets within the project, added the miner.