The current operating license for the Loviisa power plant, Finland’s first nuclear power plant, expires at the end of 2007. By the end of 2030, 50 years will have elapsed since the plant’s second reactor unit was activated.
The plant’s first unit, which started operation in 1977, and the second unit, which started operation in 1980, have undergone several extensive refurbishment projects to help improve the plant’s safety. Currently, several extensive modernization projects are underway, the renovation of the plant’s entire automation being the largest one to date. In addition, several development programs have been planned for the operating license period under application.
A license is required for the generation of nuclear power in Finland, and a periodic license for operating a nuclear power plant must be applied for from the Council of State. The previous license to continue to operate the Loviisa power plant was granted in 1998.
The power generated annually by Loviisa covers about 10% of the electricity consumption in Finland. That’s why it’s important that the plant continues to safely generate power, said Fortum senior vice president Tapio Kuula. We’ve made considerable investments in the Loviisa power plant in recent years. Merely modernizing the automation will cost over E100 million, and it will ensure that the plant will be able to operate for a long time to come.