MIA serves more than 30 million passengers a year. Its operator, the Miami-Dade Aviation Department, has worked with FPL Services since 2008 when it began the first phase of this long-term initiative to improve the airport’s energy efficiency and lighting while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and costs.

At MIA, FPL Services’ energy-efficiency measures continue to focus on the airport’s largest users of energy: lighting systems, chilled-water pumps, and heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems.

By retrofitting 40,000 lighting fixtures, adding occupancy sensors and installing 10 new high-efficiency motors and chilled-water pumps, the airport’s annual carbon dioxide emissions are expected to be reduced by 5,035 metric tons over the next 15 years – equivalent to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from more than 960 passenger vehicles.

Energy and maintenance savings associated with upgrades are guaranteed by FPL Services, reducing the airport’s risk and providing certainty that the projected energy savings will be realized. Capital costs to implement related improvements are more than paid for by associated energy and maintenance savings.