Sarkozy’s office wouldn’t comment on Qureshi’s statements, and any such deal while a diplomatic coup for Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari, would need the agreement of other nuclear powers and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

In February 2009, France has agreed to supply Pakistan’s rival India with between two and six modern reactors.

France has agreed to transfer civilian nuclear technology to Pakistan, Qureshi said, explaining that Pakistan was suffering an energy crisis and requires nuclear power to assure its electricity supply.

Pakistan has a civilian nuclear energy program developed with Chinese help, with one working power station and another under construction.

French presidency spokesman said Sarkozy has confirmed France was ready, within the framework of its international agreements, to cooperate with Pakistan in the field of nuclear safety.

Sarkozy added This is so the Pakistani program can develop in the best conditions of safety and security.

Qureshi hailed the French offer as an significant sign of his government’s credibility.

That is a significant development, and we have agreed that Pakistan should be treated like India. President Sarkozy said, and I quote him, ‘What can be done for India, can be done for Pakistan as well.’, he said.

India has negotiated bilateral nuclear agreements with US, Russia and France, and International Atomic Energy Agency has allowed Delhi in from the nuclear cold.

Presently, Pakistan wants to follow suit.

Qureshi insisted Pakistan has no issues with the IAEA…Pakistan will give all necessary international guarantees.

The world recognizes the steps Pakistan has taken to assure and protect its nuclear assets. Everyone who matters is confident about our arrangements, the three-layer security system that we have put in place.

Qureshi said: Today, in principle, the two countries agreed that there is a necessity that has to be fulfilled. In principle they’ve agreed, and now the modalities will be worked out.