The APC contracts include nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction projects on three coal-fired boilers that the company has received from a domestic power producer.

Fuel Tech will supply its Hert High Energy Reagent Technology systems for two of the projects that include large boilers and Hert systems in combination with Rich Reagent Injection (RRI) technology for the third project which involves a medium-sized boiler. The company plans to deliver the equipments in the first quarter of 2011.

The remaining contracts include two equipment supply contracts for domestic APC projects; modeling and an SNCR study for a client in the UK and installation work for a utility customer in Chile.

Douglas Bailey, chairman and president and CEO of Fuel Tech, said: “This announcement represents good diversity both in geography and in our APC project mix.

“The order from our domestic alliance partner represents the third, fourth and fifth NOxOUT SNCR systems to be received in the four months since the alliance agreement was signed.”