The orders received for a HERT system as well as several HERT demonstrations are for nitrogen oxide (NOx) control in the Midwestern and Southeastern US. The boiler tuning contract was received along with a number of supplemental equipment orders for previously secured business.

We are off to a great start this year in Europe, commented John F. Norris Jr., president and chief executive officer. In France, where all municipal solid waste incinerators will be required to control NOx emissions by the end of 2009, we have seen a strong pick-up in project activity, having already announced one NOx control initiative earlier this year. Discussions to secure other French MSW business are ongoing as are efforts to market our broadened suite of NOx control technologies throughout Europe.

Norris concluded, We are also pleased with the indicated level of interest in our recently acquired HERT technology which, in combination with our NOxOUT systems and combustion modification capabilities, offers our clients an unparalleled selection of economic solutions for achieving NOx control targets.

Fuel Tech is a US-based provider of boiler optimization, efficiency improvement and air pollution reduction and control solutions.