Under the deal, Suzhou will provide 1,100km of OPGW and fittings as well as All-Dielectric Self-Supporting cable (ADSS) for the project, which connects between an 824MW hydroelectric power plant in Labrador and a substation in Newfoundland.

Furukawa said the project evaluated and adopted its technology, enabling it to cope with frigid environments of 50 degrees below zero, as well as severe conditions of snow and icing.

Furukawa Electric director and vice president Hiroyuki Otake said, "We are proud to work with NALCOR Energy on this great project."

The company is targeting the global environmental infrastructure market, which is expected to have significant growth, and is focusing on directly selling products made by their subsidiaries outside Japan.

Otake said the company has already made significant inroads in the North American renewable energy market.

"Furukawa Electric continues to develop proposals for solutions incorporating our group products and engineering going forward as well," Otake added.