The contract requires Gamesa to supply, install and commission 14 units of its G114-2.1 MW turbines at the wind farm in northeast Michigan.

The Spanish manufacturer plans to start turbine deliveries in August 2016, with the project expected to go online in October of that year.

Gamesa already installed ten G114-2.0 MW turbines at the wind farm last year.

The company will also provide operations and maintenance services at the wind farm for the next 12 years.

Gamesa said that the turbine model being supplied is capable of harnessing more energy at a lower cost at low and medium wind speed sites.

The company has signed contracts totaling 600MW for the supply of 2MW and 2.1MW versions of this turbine model in the US alone. It received 2,000MW of supply orders for the model globally.

Gamesa has recently acquired a 50% stake in NEM Solutions, which leverages data mining to optimize wind turbines performance by anticipating future incidents.

The company bought Tecnalia’s entire 15% stake and 35% of CAF’s shareholding in NEM Solutions. CAF retains 50% of stake in NEM.

The acquisition is in line with Gamesa’s 2015-2017 business plan to improve turbine performance and streamline maintenance processes and costs.