Wind farm

Under the contract, Gamesa will supply and install 27 of its G90-2.0 MW turbines at the Pililla wind farm, located on the island of Luzón.

As part of the deal, the company will also provide operations and maintenance services for five years.

Gamesa will build the infrastructure required to construct and operate the wind park, including an electricity substation.

The company will work with local group CASA, comprising Cendaur, Ati Consulting, Santa Clara and Airnergy, to complete the civil and electrical works.

The Pililla wind farm is expected to be completed in 2015 and the deal is Gamesa’s third in the Philippines following orders totalling 144MW in recent months.

Gamesa said the new contract expands its presence in Asia, where it is already active in several markets including China, India, Japan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Taiwan and South Korea.

The company installed 5,016MW of its turbines in Asia as of March 2014 and currently maintains a further 1,900MW.

Image: Gamesa will supply and install 27 of its G90-2.0 MW turbines at the Pililla wind farm. Photo: Courtesy of Victor Habbick/