The well was drilled in the Green District of Wetzel county, West Virginia. The well has been shut in pending the finalization of gas gathering and gas processing arrangements.

Gastar holds a 100% working interest (81.5% net revenue interest) in the well and has acquired a total of approximately 36,000 net acres in northern West Virginia and southwestern Pennsylvania.

Russell Porter, president and CEO of Gastar, said: “These results are very encouraging and confirm Gastar’s belief that thinner portions of the Marcellus shale are capable of yielding excellent results. The James Yoho #1 encountered approximately 46ft of Marcellus shale and was completed with a single stage frac.

“Our longer term development plan for Gastar’s Marcellus shale assets will be orientated towards horizontal development, but this well demonstrates that excellent results can be achieved with vertical drilling in the Marcellus shale.”