Sergey Kupriyanov, Gazprom’s official spokesman, said: Our dispatch services and production units have reduced gas supplies to Ukrainian consumers. Given the gas consumption volumes in Ukraine and the requests for gas deliveries abroad, supplies to Ukraine have been cut by 100% or 110 million cubic meters of gas a day.

Supplies across the Ukrainian territory intended for export have been increased by around 20 million cubic meters of gas a day up to 326 million cubic meters of gas a day. For this purpose we have cut gas withdrawals from underground storage facilities.

Mr Kupriyanov said that this cut does not affect the levels of gas production by Gazprom units. He added that disagreement over the gas prices is not the main problem and that Naftogaz Ukrainy delegation had no mandate for signing a new contract.

Gazprom is a gas company basically focused on geological exploration, production, transmission, storage, processing and marketing of gas and other hydrocarbons. Gazprom’s mission is to provide effective and well-balanced gas supply to Russian customers and to safely implement long-term gas export contracts.