The objective of the project is to find a use, either onsite or elsewhere, for the C&D generated by the project. GBB, which has achieved 98.5% recycling/reuse during the demolition of the old Nashville Thermal Waste-to-Energy plant, will inventory the origin, type and quantities of all waste materials projected to be generated, including buildings, vehicles and road materials to be removed. A specific waste management plan, including reuse/recycling opportunities and/or in some limited cases, disposal requirements, will be developed for each primary constituent material.

“GBB will also evaluate all construction materials needed for the project and incorporate onsite C&D materials wherever feasible,” noted Bob Brickner, GBB executive vice president. “Typical examples include the grinding and processing of old concrete and asphalt materials into spec materials for reuse as base aggregate materials and/or Recycled Asphalt Pavement that can be easily incorporated into roadways, bike paths, walkways and parking areas.”

Less typical examples include supplying project materials to third-party firms that conduct metals recycling, asphalt shingle processing for reuse in new asphalt materials, gypsum scrap processing and gypsum recycling for soil amendments, wood grinding operation for mulch product generation, tire grinding operation for tire-derived fuel generation, used wire recycling and the use of mechanical systems for full scale processing and sorting of mixed C&D waste materials to increase recycling opportunities.

Being familiar with C&D processors in eastern North Carolina and Southeastern Virginia, the team will pursue opportunities to use third party generated recycled materials for various aspects of the project. With a very good working relationship with North Carolina regulatory officials, GBB will maintain communication throughout the project so that any additional entities that obtain operating permits that could enhance the use of recycled materials will be identified and considered as the project evolves.