The cooperation efforts focus on the issues that govern the success of a nuclear programme: top-quality operation of nuclear power plants, technology and design, ownership, control and funding mechanisms, selection process for construction sites, public acceptance, and development of human resources.

GDF SUEZ has been active in the nuclear industry for 50 years. GDF SUEZ owns and operates seven reactors in Belgium and has a stake in the French Chooz and Tricastin nuclear power plants, representing 1,170 MW or the equivalent of a nuclear unit. Furthermore, it recently obtained drawing rights on German power plants due to an energy swap with E.ON.

“The Group intends to make good use of its outstanding experience in nuclear site management, maintaining its presence in Europe while expanding in key markets such as Brazil, where we are already the leading private electricity generator, with 7,500 MW already installed and 4,490 under construction”, stated Gérard Mestrallet, chairman and chief executive officer of GDF SUEZ.