GDT Tek has implemented a plan to develop the DHS property with a combination of traditional photovoltaic commercial solar panels and also plans to use its own waste heat to electricity technology combined with solar concentrating panels on a portion of the land.

The land is located near Palm Springs with excellent accessibility to the grid, and there are already thousands of wind turbines located in the area.

GDT Tek president Bo Linton said there was an article last week in the LA Times stating these type of properties are now starting to gobbled up at 10-20 fold what they were worth a few years ago.

"We are also looking into using wind power on the land as well. We plan to get as many megawatts out of the land per acre as possible," Linton said.

"Our plan is to develop a 20MW facility on 100 of the acres and use the 9 remaining acres to build a pilot system utilizing a new solar thermal style panel that the GDT Tek waste heat to electricity system employs."