The software will allow engineers to gain insights into turbulent fluid, chemical and acoustic processes within gas turbine combustion systems.

Cascade simulation software is claimed to offer better visualization of multiple steps involved in the combustion process.

GE Power and Water power generation engineering vice-president John Lammas said: "The enhanced simulation and visualization capabilities enabled by our collaboration with Cascade can help us deliver even higher efficiency and lower emissions in the next generation of gas turbines."

The solution can be configured to run on national laboratory super-computers and at other high-performance computing facilities. It can simulate the combustion process with microsecond time fidelity and sub-millimeter resolution, while generating petabytes of data, GE said.

GE said that the information gained, along with web-based analysis tools, will help reduce the path between simulations and engineering insight.

Cascade president and CEO Frank Ham said: "The simulation is like a modern-day digital microscope that allows GE engineers to interrogate the combustion process in ways that were not previously possible."