Laogang Renewable Energy, a joint venture formed by Veolia and Shanghai Environment Group, owns the Laogang LFG project.

Seven of GE’s ecomagination-qualified Jenbacher J420 gas engines, which will provide about 10MW of electricity, will power the new Laogang LFG facility located in Shanghai.

Laogang Renewable Energy general manager Chen Hongzhang said by using GE’s gas engines fueled by LFG, the company expects to save emissions by over 340,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year.

Each J420 engine combusts 2.7 million cubic meters of methane each year, providing an overall yearly reduction of greenhouse gas of around 18.9 million cubic meter for the seven gas engines.

GE’s Jenbacher landfill gas engines use the gas created during the decomposition of organic substances in a landfill.

The gas engines are scheduled to begin shipping in the second quarter of this year with commercial operation expected in December 2012.