Owned by Henan Tianguan Group, the new ethanol facility will produce 500,000 cubic meters of biogas per day, based on organic material from cassava plants.

A 36MW onsite power plant featuring the Jenbacher engines is being built in multiple phases to support the ethanol plant’s operations.

Both facilities are being built adjacent to the company’s existing ethanol production facility, which uses a biomass digester system to convert cassava into ethanol.

For the 11MW first phase of the new onsite power plant, GE is supplying four J620-biogas engines that will utilize the ethanol production facility’s waste methane biogas to generate renewable electricity, which Henan Tianguan Group plans to sell to the regional grid.

The biogas engines will also use methane gas created by the anaerobic digestion of cassava biomass to produce renewable electricity for the site.

When the 36MW biogas power plant is fully operational, it is expected to reduce the equivalent of 1.1 million tons of carbon emissions a year.

The biogas power plant is scheduled to begin operation in July this year.