The equipments will serve four new FPSOs P-74, P-75, P-76 and P-77 units in the Cessão Onerosa region of the Santos Basin pre-salt fields, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo.

Petrobras selected GE’s equipments due to the benefits that include aggressive delivery cycle, reliability, efficiency, performance, emission control and extended life of the equipment.

GE Oil & Gas supplied main turbomachinery equipment will produce primary energy for the FPSOs using gas turbines and advanced generators, and moving gas through pipelines to improve oil recovery.

Under the contract, GE will also supply 32 electric motor driven compressors for gas main, export services and CO2 re-injection; 16 powergen turbogenerators composed of PGT25+ gas turbines and electric generators; and eight turbocompression trains driven by LM2500+ gas turbines.

In addition, the firm will provide technical assistance for the installation, commissioning and extensive services such as repairs, dedicated local field service engineers and customer training.