The MOU brings together the two companies with expertise in the critical elements needed to make smart charging work. The all-electric, zero-emission Nissan Leaf is scheduled to launch later this year in Japan, the US and Europe.

Mark Little, senior vice president and director of GE Global Research, said: “In the past few years, we have seen an acceleration of innovations in plug-in hybrid and electric cars that have sparked a revolution in smart-charging technologies. Together with Nissan, we will take a comprehensive look at what technologies will be needed in the car, on the grid and at home or work to make smart charging a reality.”

Shunichi Toyomasu, corporate vice president of Nissan, said: “Nissan’s vision is to realize zero-emission mobility through a holistic approach by collaborating with various partners in a broad range of industries. Working with GE, we expect this joint research project will provide insight for the home/building and electric grid connections which supports electric vehicle.”

GE and Nissan have outlined two areas for potential collaborations. The first relates to the integration of electric vehicles with homes and buildings. The second focuses on electric vehicle charging dynamics with the electric grid. In coming months, GE and Nissan will work to identify specific projects they can partner on in each of these areas.

Much of the GE work will be conducted at GE’s global research operations located in Niskayuna, New York, where the electric transportation research and smart grid technology will facilitate the collaboration. Nissan will participate mainly through Nissan Technical Center North America, located in Farmington Hills, Michigan, with support by the Nissan Advanced Technology Center in Japan.