As part of this work, GE Oil & Gas will provide Qatargas with the associated integrity management (IM) elements, including manuals and procedures covering in-line inspection (ILI), software automation and engineering assessments.

“Qatargas operates world-class LNG facilities in Qatar, and our goal is to be the world’s premier LNG company,” said Sheikh Ahmed Al Thani, chief operating officer engineering and ventures, Qatargas. “A critical success factor in achieving that goal is the continued assurance of availability and safe operation of our pipeline networks used to transport gas and condensate from our offshore production sites to our onshore treatment facilities.”

“We are excited to have the opportunity to continue our long-term relationship with Qatargas, which has an outstanding record of achievement in the area of pipeline integrity and maintenance,” said John Bucci, general manager of GE Oil & Gas’ PII Pipeline Solutions, noting that the business has provided inspection services to Qatargas since 1998.

While the earlier inspections covered two LNG pipelines, the new integrity management contract will cover additional offshore product lines that will rely on PII Pipeline Solutions’ wet gas experience.

Separate to the pipeline services contract, GE Oil & Gas’ global services business previously signed an 18-year customer service agreement to support Qatargas’ operations.