GE began work on the power plant in June 2007 after buying the project for $12.1 million from Calpine Corporation.

GE has said that since coming online in June 2008, Parlin has produced 36,333MW of power, and has experienced 100% availability. The power produced is sold to PJM Interconnection, a power system serving 51 million people across 13 states.

Parlin was reportedly bought into PJM after a Reliability Pricing Model (RPM) auction allowed more than 2,000MW of power to come back on line to meet high demand. The RPM allows higher prices for capacity where generation is limited by resources and congestion.

Mark Mellana, managing director of operating and development at GE Energy Financial Services, said: Combining GE Energy Financial Services’s financial know-how and capital with the in-depth technical skills of our sister manufacturing and operations business, GE Energy, we were able to restart Parlin after a temporary shutdown. Parlin gave us the opportunity to put to work GE’s collective expertise to provide cost-effective power to a customer and the market.