The agreement includes three reloads and options for two more to provide fuel to the plant during its remaining lifetime.

Earlier, Genusa provided fuel to Gundremmingen Unit C, which delivered about 1,100 fuel bundles since 1998.

GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Nuclear Services and Fuels senior vice president and GNF CEO Kevin Walsh said: "RWE’s and E.ON’s choice of GENUSA demonstrates confidence in the reliability, quality and cost effectiveness of our GNF2 fuel assembly and our outstanding engineering support across the board and particularly in our water chemistry analysis and support.

"Having led the industry for many years in fuel reliability, we are confident in our ability to help RWE and E.ON maximize power generation during these important years of the plant’s life."

ENUSA chairman and CEO Jose Luis Gonzalez said: "We deeply value RWE/E.ON’s decision to once again rely on GENUSA for the supply of nuclear fuel for Gundremmingen.."

The GNF2 high performance fuel assembly delivers increased energy output while reducing overall fuel cycle costs.