Georgia Power Company says it is in the process of completely excavating 17 of its ash ponds that are near waterways and closing the remaining 12, using advanced engineering methods. In this way it keeps ahead of federal CCR Rule requirements, and complies with the more stringent state rule. Its groundwater monitoring results posted some 18 ago (18 months ahead of the federal deadline) have identified no risk to public health.
Georgia’s ultimate aim is to safely and permanently close 29 ash ponds at 11 current and former coal-fired power plants across the state. The company initiated ash pond closure preparation and construction activities in early 2016 with a commitment to being protective of the state's waterways. As of March 2018, Georgia Power has completed closure construction activities and removed all ash from five ash ponds at Plants Branch, Kraft, McDonough and Yates. Additionally, construction activities are currently underway at multiple sites with closure construction efforts expected to be completed at six additional ash ponds at Plants McDonough, McManus, Hammond and Yates this year.