A deadline of 19 July has been set for bids in the auction to acquire 100% of the holding company Zahesi 06 Ltd. The bidding increments have been set at an equivalent of US$20,000, and the determining factor for the award will be solely the maximum bid price.

According to the Ministry of Economic Development, six units at the plant require refurbishment. The installed capacity of the plant is 42MW, according to the ministry, although a government agency charged with promoting investment in the country has put the figure at 38MW – which it said was a ceiling, even with rehabilitation.

Data held by the Ministry of Energy are that the plant, built in 1927, has a design capacity of 36.8MW, consisting of two units of 12MW and four units of 3.2MW.

The package lot being sold as Zahesi 06 Ltd includes the power plant, workshops, warehouses, construction areas and associated buildings.

The figures issued by the government state that Zahesi 06 Ltd owes approximately US$63,000 (accounts payable) and is due about US$200,000 (accounts receivable).