Effective from 2017, the reformed law will see the introduction of tenders by ending the feed-in tariff (FiT) program in the country.

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG 2016), however, is subject to approval from the EU.

For onshore wind, the new law calls for introduction of a cap on annual installations at 2,800MW from 2017. The cap on installations is expected to rise to 2.9GW a year after 2020.

From 2021-2030, the offshore cap will vary from year to year to ensure that the country’s will be able to achieve its 15GW wind energy capacity target in the next 15 years.

However, WindEurope said that the new energy law is uneven for offshore buildout rate after 2020 as the auctions vary in size from year to year.

WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson said: “The volumes are also less ambitious than other Member States such as the UK, which has committed to 1GW a year to 2030 and the Netherlands, which will tender 1.4GW this year and then a further 700MW each year to 2020.”

Dickson said that the lack of transmission infrastructure is a big challenge for the county.

Dickson added: “Lawmakers must find a way to ensure that power generated in northern Germany from renewables such as onshore and offshore wind can be transferred to the power-hungry South.”

Additionally, German manufacturer Nordex has raised concerns over some grid restrictions in the new regulation.

Nordex public affairs manager Tony Adam said: “The reform is a further step towards integrating wind power into the energy market.

“In general, the tendering-model for onshore wind seems to be well done and appears to allow for a further promotion of wind power throughout Germany. Some points that entered the law seem not to follow a fully stringent approach for the so-called energy transition.”

Image: By next 15 years, Germany plans to have 15GW of offshore wind energy. Photo: ©Vattenfall/ WindEurope asbl/vzw.