E.ON’s counterpart RWE also owns 17% in Urenco, while remaining stake is held with the governments of UK and Netherlands.

E.ON chief financial officer Marcus Schenck confirmed the sale saying that it has been in discussions with potential buyers since the beginning of 2012.

Schenck also added that the federal authorities of the UK and Netherlands have given their approval for the stake sale following the German government’s decision to make an exit from nuclear sector by 2022.

Also, the stake sale is part of company’s decision plans to raise €2bn over next two years by selling its assets including two regional German utilities.

Proceeds from the sale are expected to service its existing debt as well as meet the company’s plans to invest in emerging markets such as Brazil and Turkey.

Earlier in January 2013, it has noted that the company is looking to raise €20bn, of which it has already generated €17bn from previously signed sale agreements.