A total of 95 grab samples were collected and submitted to SGS South Africa (PTY) LTD laboratories in Randburg, South Africa.

Interpretation of Results:

Mineralization at the Otse prospect occurs within a chert breccia unit, typically found stratigraphically on top of manganiferous, silicified, and ferruginous shale units. The habit of mineralization is nodule-like and sometimes massive.

This chert breccia unit at Otse is highly variable in thickness, ranging from 2-3 meters up to 15 meters. The lab results indicate a similar grade of manganese to the manganiferous shale unit sampled at the K.Hill Prospect, however with slightly higher silica. Continuity between these two occurrences (Otse and K.Hill) will be tested during an upcoming drilling program.

Otse Results:

Manganese Oxide (MnO) grades of the 37 samples collected from Otse range from 11.9% to 76.1% (excluding two samples from the unmineralized hangingwall with 1.08% and 3.85% MnO).

K.Hill Results:

The 58 samples from the K.Hill Prospect were collected from a unit close to the interpreted fault zone. These samples have graded between 11.9% and 65.6% MnO.

"These recent lab results significantly strengthen our confidence in the quality and grade of the manganese deposits in Otse and K.Hill. By sampling the various shale units in those two prospects, we have improved our understanding of the lithology and supported our initial theory with geochemical evidence" states Wajd Boubou, President.

All samples were placed in a plastic sample bag along with a sample tag. Bags were sealed with a single use tie. Samples were securely stored prior to shipping to SGS in Randburg, South Africa for assay. Samples were crushed and milled prior to assaying by X-Ray fluorescence. The company routinely submits standards, duplicates and blanks with sample batches to monitor the quality of the assays.