According to Iberdrola, this co-operation reflects the interest of both companies to encourage the development of electric vehicles, in particular extended-range electric vehicles like the Chevrolet Volt, which used at high scale will contribute to increasing energy efficiency and environmental protection.

Both companies already work together in an international project related to plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), coordinated by the Electric Power Research Institute from the US and with the participation of another 41 electrical companies from all over the world, said the company.

The main areas of the study, which will be carried out in Spain and the UK, are convenient and safe charging for consumers. General Motors (GM) and Iberdrola will analyze the requirements for the location of plug sockets in private homes and offices, and public or private parking, for the installation of electricity meters.

In the framework of this study, both companies expect to develop specific actions to assess the viability of electric cars. General Motors Europe and Iberdrola will analyze E-REV technology and the electrical network capacity and will specify the conditions for the electrical charge of vehicles.

Founded in 1908, General Motors Corporation employs about 252,000 people around the world. With global headquarters in Detroit, GM manufactures its cars and trucks in 35 countries. Iberdrola is a company dealing with energy in more than 40 countries, with a capacity over 42,000 MW.