The Company’s 100% owned Ootsa property is located south of Smithers British Columbia, adjacent to the operating Huckleberry Mine, and contains a large NI43-101 compliant copper-gold-molybdenum resource base hosted in 3 porphyry deposits.


  • A higher grade core to the West Seel deposit has been verified in 2014 drilling, with a length of 500 metres, a width of 250 metres, and extending from surface to depths exceeding 600 metres. This occurs within a larger zone of mineralization at West Seel that is 750 metres long by 400 metres wide and extends over 1000 metres deep.
  • Regional exploration holes at East Damascus have intersected widespread hydrothermal alteration with patchy anomalous gold, indicating the area could be prospective for bulk minable gold targets.
  • Soil sampling has defined several new exploration targets surrounding the Seel and Ox Deposits, including a 550 metre by 400 metre arsenic-zinc-lead in soil anomaly with associated gold and silver at North Damascus, and a 400 metre by 100 metre partially defined copper in soil anomaly at the Northeast Ox target.
  • Surface chip sampling of outcrop at the Whitegold Prospect has returned 1.4 g/t gold over 7 metres, including 4.6 g/t gold over 1 metre, and the zone remains open to the southeast. This defines a new drill ready gold target on the large Ootsa claim block.

As in previous years 2014 drilling at Ootsa has continued to intersect strong grades, and all 3 porphyry deposits at Ootsa are now confirmed to have higher grade cores to the mineralized systems. Tables summarizing drill hole highlights within the East Seel, West Seel, and Ox porphyry deposits are available.

Regional Exploration Drilling
At the end of the 2014 drilling program 9 short holes (ER14-01 to ER14-09) were drilled testing 3 separate silver base-metal vein targets located several kilometres east of the Seel deposit. This drilling did not intersect any potential ore grade zones, however, several anomalous intervals were encountered and the holes have provided valuable geologic information to help advance exploration targeting in the areas. Anomalous intervals include hole ER14-03 at the Blackjack target which intersected 2 metres with vein mineralization grading 13 g/t silver, 0.5% lead, and >1% zinc from 158 to 160 metres depth.

Holes ER14-04 to 09 were all drilled at East Damascus targeting a large soil geochemical anomaly coincident with a prominent fault zone. Drilling at East Damascus intersected large continuous zones of highly altered rock and confirmed the presence of a significant fault zone. All of the holes encountered patchy zones of anomalous gold including 0.68 g/t gold over 2 metres in hole ER14-08 and 9.2 metres grading 0.27 g/t gold in hole ER14-08. Hole ER14-08 also intersected 22 metres of 0.24% zinc. The presence of anomalous gold associated with the large alteration zone at East Damascus opens up the possibility for new bulk minable gold targets in the area.

Far East Soil Anomaly
At the Far East soil anomaly arsenic and antimony are anomalous over an area 640 metres long that is coincident with a zone of high chargeability. Road trenching in the southern part of the anomaly during 2014 encountered widespread silicification and strong argillic alteration associated with disseminated sulfides. Thirteen surface samples from the southern part of the anomaly did not return significant gold or silver values. The northern part of the anomaly remains to be tested and a structural analysis of the zone will also be undertaken in an attempt to identify controls on alteration and potential mineralization.

East Ox Soil Anomaly
At East Ox a strong chargeability high is coincident with an arsenic in soil anomaly that extends over 400 metres long. This anomaly has never been drill tested and remains a drill target for 2015.

NorthEast Ox Soil Anomaly
A copper in soil anomaly has been identified 1.3 kilometres to the northeast of the Ox deposit. The anomaly occurs within a zone of high chargeability and is roughly 400 metres long by up to 100 metres wide. This anomaly needs to be further defined with additional soils, mapping, and possibly trenching, and is considered prospective for porphyry copper style mineralization similar to the Ox deposit.

Whitegold Prospect
The Whitegold prospect is located close to the shore of Whitesail Lake, near the eastern edge of the Ootsa claim block, and sits roughly 1 kilometre from the nearest access road (see the link for the Ootsa claim map below for the location of Whitegold). At Whitegold, gold bearing quartz veins have been traced for 125 metres along strike in a north northwest direction, and the zone remains open along strike.

Surface chip sampling of outcrop at the Whitegold Prospect during 2014 has returned 1.4 g/t gold over 7 metres including 4.6 g/t gold over 1 metre, and the zone remains open to the southeast. This defines a new drill ready gold target on the large Ootsa claim block which can be rapidly advanced by trenching and drilling.

Troitsa Peak Prospect
The recently acquired Troitsa Peak Prospect in the southern part of the Ootsa claim block is highly prospective for high grade gold and silver discoveries. Historic assessment reports on the Troitsa Peak area report surface grab samples with values such as 41 g/t gold and 9238 g/t silver, 5.9 g/t gold and 4120 g/t silver, 36.5 g/t gold and 825.6 g/t silver, and 11.4 g/t gold and 2614.4 g/t silver. A grab sample from a historic trench returned 3.9 g/t gold and 2356 g/t silver and thin veins of quartz-chalcopyrite-sphalerite returned values up to 44.7 g/t gold and 2683.2 g/t silver. Gold Reach has not yet visited or sampled the prospect and none of the historic results have been confirmed by the Company and they should not be relied upon.