Solar panel

The price for the under-development site at West Raynham, near Fakenham, will be between £3.4m and £6.8m.

Net profit on sale received by Good Energy will be between £1.4m and £3.8m, depending on when the site is completed and commissioned.

Good Energy said the deal is part of its strategy to develop its portfolio via a combination of selling some sites and building as well as holding others.

The company plans to use the proceeds from the sale for the on-going development of additional sites.

Good Energy founder and CEO Juliet Davenport said: "This transaction is part of our overall strategy to develop and build renewable energy sites.

"It supports our long term vision for the company to deliver 50 per cent of our renewable electricity requirements from our own renewable generation assets by 2016.

"Our development pipeline is robust and we have already commissioned both new wind and solar sites this year."

Good Energy works with a community of over 59,000 small and medium scale renewable electricity generators.

Image: Good Energy has agreed to sell its 49.9MW solar site in Norfolk, UK. Photo: Courtesy of worradmu/