The utility staff performed an analysis on the three proposed routes that considered the criteria including: socioeconomic, farming, biological resources, water resources, cultural resources, cost, future load growth and system reliability, operations and maintenance, and real estate.

These categories represent a cross-section of the issues and concerns expressed by the public, agency consultations, federal and state environmental requirements and utility electrical system considerations.

During 2010 and into 2011, Grant County PUD will be working on engineering design, environmental studies, permitting and right-of-way acquisitions for the project. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analyses will be conducted. Preliminary estimated project costs are $37m. Construction of the new line is scheduled to begin in 2013.

This new transmission line is said to be critical for the PUD to continue to supply electrical service and meet the increasing needs of its customers.

Grant County PUD is a public utility co-operative in north central Washington state.