OMM was successful in following a highly competitive international tender process, where the company was up against a considerable number of other organisations. The process demanded companies adhere to strict regulations and provide detailed case studies and examples of management procedures.

OMM will be providing a range of management and engineering services including cable route design, marine surveys, installation and provision of marine resources for this pioneering project that will lead to the electrification of the island. OMM international growth plan was key to winning this work and establishes OMM as a global market company.

Eckhard Bruckschen, Chief Operating Officer, OMM said, "We’re delighted to have won this contract with Grupo Saesa to be involved in laying the first submarine power cable installed in the country. It is a ground-breaking project and a huge step forward towards the goal of supplying electrical power to remote areas of Chile. The opportunity adds to OMM’s considerable experience and expertise in this sort of operating environment and has enabled us to secure further contracts in Chile."

The construction of this line will generate massive benefits to the 520 families living on the island including huge savings on the cost of electricity, which will encourage further investment on Isla Huar. Along with environmental benefits as the new supply will reduce the use of fossil fuels on the island.