The approval was granted under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 following a stringent assessment process by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC).

GVK chairman Dr GVK Reddy commented that this approval reinforces the company’s strategic goals towards becoming a significant coal supplier.

"We further believe that we can provide the best quality coal to supply power to developing countries including India," Reddy said.

GVK vice-chairman Sanjay Reddy further added, "We are the only coal developer in Australia to possess environmental approvals at a state and federal level that integrate the mine, rail and port bringing to finalisation the Tier One environmental approvals that will significantly assist in the facilitation of opening up of the Galilee Basin."

North Asian export markets along with certain Indian power projects by GVK will be the recipients of the high grade thermal coal obtained from this project, developed jointly by GVK and Hancock Prospecting of Australia.